Friday, March 16, 2018


9-tempat-wisata-di-sumedang-terbaru Kota kecil di Jawa barat ini berada di titik GPS 6°51'35?LS,107°55'15?BT. Batas sebelah utara kabupaten Sumedang adalah kabupaten Indramayu. Di sebelah selatan kabupaten Sumedang terdapat kabupaten Garut. Sedangkan di sebelah barat dan timur masing-masing terdapat kabupaten Subang dan Majalengka. Selain tahu sumedang yang terkenal, kabupaten kecil di Jawa Tengah ini ternyata memiliki beberapa tempat wisata yang layak dikunjungi. Ada beberapa tempat wisata air terjun atau curug yang bisa anda kunjungi jika anda mempunyai stamina lebih. Terdapat pula tempat wisata danau biru yang masih sangat alami 1. Curug Gorobog tempat wisata alam di Sumedang Curug Gorobog, Sumedang. Letak posisi tempat wisata alam di Sumedang ini berada pada titik -6.9136834,107.9584073. Secara geografis lokasi Curug Gorobog ini berada di desa Citengah, kecamatan Sumedang selatan, Sumedang. Pemandangan indah di sumedang yang sejuk dan asri menjadi daya tarik tambahan di tempat wisata air terjun di Sumedang ini. Untuk sampai di lokasi air terjun, anda harus menempuh perjalanan sekitar 500 meter dulu dari loket booth. Tenang saja, jalannya sudah bagus dan mudah dilalui. Tiket masuk ke tempat wisata Curug Gorobog ini sebesar Rp 3.000,00. 2. Bukit Kampung Toga tempat wisata pemandangan alam di Sumedang Bukit Kampung Toga, Sumedang. Letak koordinat tempat wisata pemandangan alam di Sumedang ini berada pada titik -6.8741566,107.9083047. Anda akan disajikan pemandangan alam yang indah , sejuk, asri dan hijau. Dikarenakan obyek wisata sumedang kota untuk keluarga ini berada di atas pegunungan bertinggi sekitar 650 DPL. Takheran, Bukit Kampung Toga ini dijadikan tempat latihan pearalayang, gantole, maupun sepeda gunung. Selain itu, tempat wisat keluarga di Sumedang ini juga menjadi ajang untuk kegiatan out bond.Lokasi geografis tempat wisata di sumedang kampung toga, Sumedang ini berada di jl. Makam Cut Nyak Dien, Gunung puyuh, desa Sukajaya, Sumedang selatan. 3. Curug Sabuk tempat wisata air terjun di Sumedang
Curug Sabuk, Sumedang. Tempat wisata alam Curug sabuk ini meski tidak seterkenal tempat wisata lain di Sumedang, menyajikan pemandangan air terjun yang indah. Kebanyakan pengunjung yang datang ke tempat wisata Curug di Suedang ini adalah para pecinta alam. Mereka mencari tempat wisata yang masih sepi dan alami, bebas dari keriuhan para pengunjung lain. Jalan yang susah(anda harus rela menyusuri hutan dan sungai sekitar 3 jam) untuk mencapai air terjun ini. Jalan yang licin tidak membuat semua orang mampu menempuhnya. Letak geografis Curug Sabuk, Sumedang ini berada di dusun Nangorak, Mergamekar, Sumedang selatan. bisa disebut dengan objek wisata Sumedang selatan. 4. Agrowisata Kampung Nangorak obyek wisata sumedang kotaAgrowisata Kampung Nangorak, Sumedang. Di kawasan tempat wisata agro Kampung Nangorak inilah curug Sabuk berada.Bila anda tidak mampu enempuh perjalanan ke curug Sabuk, anda masih dapat menikmati keindahan alam sekitar. Objek wisata alam di Sumedang yaitu Agro Kampung Nangorak ini berada di ketinggian 800-1000 DPL. Agrowisata Kampung Nagorak di Sumedang ini mempunyai harga tiket sebesar Rp 5.000,00 per orang. Kawasan tempat wisata Kampung Nangorak ini sangat cocok untuk berbagai variasi kegiatan wisata bersama keluarga. Takheran, tempat wisata Kampung Nangorak menjadi salah satu tempat wisata keuarga yang paling favorit di Sumedang. 5. Wisata Alam Pagjugjugan Tempat wisata keluarga sumedang Wisata Alam Pangjugjugan, Sumedang. Letak koordinat tempat wisata alam di Sumedang ini berada di titik -6.9169874,107.8460475. Sedangkan dalam peta , daerah Pangjugjugan berada di Dusun Babakan Anjun, RT. 3/10, Desa Cilembu, Kecamatan Pamulihan, Kabupaten Sumedang. Tempat wisata keluarga ini buka dari jam 07.00-16.00. Salah satu daya tarik tempat wisata pemandangan di Sumedang ini adalah berbagai fasilitas dan wahana yang lengkap. Anda dan keluarga dapat menikmati berbagai kegiatan yang menarik dari sekedar bermain, menaiki kuda, flying fox, hingga futsal. Anda bahkan dapat melihat berbagai peternakan yang ada di tempat wisata alam Pangjugjugan ini. 6. Perkebunan Teh Margawindu Tempat wisata keluarga di Sumedang Perkebunan The Margawindu, Sumedang. Tempat wisata alam perkebunan the di Sumedang ini menawarkan pemandangan hijaunya hamparan perkebunan the yang luas. Selain itu udara yang segar sejuk dan bebas polusi akan membuat anda betah stay berlama-lama. Tempat wisata keluarga di Sumedang ini berada di desa Citengah, yang berjarak sekitar 30 menit dari pusat kota Sumedang. 7. Sumber Air Panas Sekar Wangi tempat rekreasi di sumedang Sumber air panas sekar wangi, Sumedang. Tempat wisata alam pemandian air panas di desa Sekarwangi, kecamatan Buahdua, Sumedang. Tempat wisata pemandian air panas ini buka setiap hari dari jam 07.00-17.00 dengan harga tiket sebesar Rp 8.000,00. 8. Curug Ciputrawangi tempat wisata curug di Sumedang Curug Ciputrawangi, Sumedang. Letak koordinat tempat wisata alam Curug Ciputrawangi ini berada pada titik -6.7521069,107.9835883. Tempat wisata alam curug Ciputrawangi ini memiliki pesona indah yang tak kalah dengan curug lain di Sumedang. Ada Daya tarik lain dari tempat wisata curug di Sumedang ini. Untuk dapat mengunjunginya, anda harus memiliki stamina yang cukup fit, karena melewati jalur yang tidak mudah. 9. Danau biru Cilembang Danau biru Cilembang, Sumedang. Letak koordinat tempat wisata alam danau biru Cilembang ini berada pada titik -6.7060593,107.9071559. Secara geografis danau indah di Sumedang ini berada di desa Hariang, kecamatan Buahdua. Ada lagi Objek wisata di Sumedang Jawa barat yang memiliki keindahan panorama alam yang luar biasa.
Warna biru yang terkenal dari tempat wisata danau ini terdapat karena pantulan warna langit. Ya, biru karena danau ini masih sangat alami dan belum tercemar. Karena itulah, anda tidak diperbolehkan mandi ataupun main air di danau biru ini. Tiket masuk danau Cilembang ini sebesar Rp. 2000,00. Sebenarya masih banyak lagi tempat yang bisa dijelajahi dan dinikmati keindahannya. Terutama jika anda suka blusukan. Anda akan dapat menemukan Gunung Kunci, Curug Cinulang, Geusan Ulun, river tubing dan mata air sira Cipelang. Serta gunung Tampomas, wisata air gajah depa, dan lain-lain. Tempat wisata tersebut kebanyakan belum tercantum dalam peta pariwisata lokal, bahkan dalam google maps. Juga dalam daftar objek wisata di sumedang yang ada di media sosial Mungkin ini saat kita untuk lebih memperkenalkannya kepada dunia luar. Bukti bahwa ternyata banyak terdapat tempat wisata yang indah di Sumedang yang bahkan belum dikenal banyak orang. Monetize your website traffic with yX Media Dengan konsekwensi menjaga kelestarian, kebersihan dan menjaga kelangsungan tempat wisata tersebut, akan menjadi warisan yang layak dinikmati oleh generasi mendatang.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

What is landscaping rock?

What is landscaping rock?

You can use landscaping rock to add some depth and texture to your landscaping design. This landscaping rock can come in a couple of different forms, actually there are quite a few. Not only is there a find collection of colors of landscaping rock there is also several different kinds of stone to choose from. Different landscaping designs will require different landscaping rock. You can get small landscaping rock or larger landscaping rock.

The trick to using landscaping rock successfully is to fully integrate them into your yard and the design. You need to place them in places that will add to the yard, not in places that will make it look like you are trying to cover something up or take attention away from another part of the yard. If you were to just put your landscaping rock here and there you will be doing nothing for the yard and your yard will end up looking strange and unbalanced. You should plan exactly where each landscaping rock should be placed for the ultimate good effect.

If you take the time to bury your rock it will look much better. This will make them look planted and they will blend in and look as if this is where they really should be, not just where they got clunked down.

How far should you bury your roc in the ground? The depth will all depend upon the landscaping rock that you finally choose fro your yard. If you choose a very large landscaping rock then it should be deeper than a smaller landscaping rock. Four to six inches is a good depth for your landscaping rock to be buried.

It is easy to build a landscaping rock. All you need to do is dig a spot about the size of your landscaping rock and them place the rock into it. You can then just tuck some dirt into the spot around the rock and then you are done. Voila!

Think about it, this is what rocks and boulders look like when you see them out in nature. The next time that you are out taking a walk or you are hiking keep an eye out for any large rocks, look at how they sit in the dirt and then try to get the landscaping rock in your yard to look just as natural.

Find yourself a great landscaping picture

Find yourself a great landscaping picture

If you can find yourself a wonderful landscaping picture you will be that much closer to designing your yard, just like that. This landscaping picture will give you all of the inspiration that you need to come up with the most gorgeous and eye catching ideas around. It is hard to think of all of the best landscaping ideas on your own, especially if you have never taken on a project like this before. So if you are new, do not worry, use a landscaping picture to help you come up with some fabulous ideas, in fact use a few!

Even if you choose to work with a professional landscaper for your yard you should make sure that they show you a landscaping picture. This landscaping picture should show you what they expect your home to look like once it has been completed. This is important as it will help you to choose the right landscaper for the job. The landscaping picture that they show you will tell you a lot about the landscaper. The landscaping picture will tell you how much imagination the landscaper has as well as how much work they actually plan on doing. So never, choose a landscaper until you see some kind of landscaping picture.

This is not the only landscaping picture that your landscaper should show you either. You should also ask that he show you at least one landscaping picture of a job he has completed in the past. The best landscapers usually have more than on landscaping picture, they usually have a portfolio that they will let you flip through. This is so useful because you will see exactly the kind of service you will be getting if you choose this company.

It is important to take care with all of the decisions like this. This is the entire look of your home. When people walk by your house you want them to notice it for how gorgeous and wonderful it looks, not how run down. Having a lovely garden can make all of the different so start thinking about getting in a professional landscaper today. Just make sure that you have him show you a good landscaping picture first and you will be way ahead of the game.

Are you addicted to FIFA 18 Ultimate Team like me?

Are you addicted to FIFA 18 Ultimate Team like me?

If you are, you have come to the right place. In this article, I'm going to share with you some insider information which will change your entire playing experience. Well, lets get started. To most of us, it can be really frustrating when you happen to come across an insanely expensive player, or a great team which has all in-form players, with some top tier players like Messi and Ronaldo who each cost more than 2 million FIFA coins in the market. Worse still, you know that you might never ever get see 2 million coins in your entire life, which basically means there are only a few options left.

If you want to get those top players, you need to make a lot of coins by basically trading in FIFA market. Fact is, trading is usually so very boring and difficult especially if you are trading manually. And if ever you are going to become an expert at trading in order to afford the top players and teams, you will have wasted a lot of your precious time which you would have otherwise used playing and enjoying some more games, or even doing something else that's more fun.

Fortunately however, because of this particular problem, a guy by the name Mike Miranda came up with what is known as, FUTMillionaire Trading Center to help players like us out. FUTMillionaire Trading center is a fantastic private community which comprises of professional FIFA traders who help ordinary FIFA players like me and you become extraordinary traders (or trading experts), and make millions and millions of FIFA coins.

FUTMillionaire Trading Center help users a lot as it has an exclusive Members Area which provides information on what is working best in the market, and what the expert recommended selling and buying price on the FIFA market. That's just half of it, the best thing about FUTMillionaire Trading Center is that they feature Members' only automatic trading programs which do all the FIFA trading for you. FUTMillionaire also offers actual trading methods which you simply need to follow so as to attain FUT's Trading excellence.
Make 1 Million FIFA Coins per Week with this Trick

So you love playing FIFA and crafting your ultimate team to lead you to victory? Maybe you are obsessed with getting Ronaldo or Messi for your team but are constantly disappointed because that player and many great players like him are way too expensive for your budget.

This can be a drawback for any lover of FIFA because while you want the best players for your team, it's kind of tough to Make 1 Million FIFA Coins per Week with this Trick build the best team ever without the money to do it. High-level players like this are really difficult to get if you're not loaded with cash and if you're bad at trading.

Trading is a roundabout way to get the players you want, but it's honestly so challenging and tedious that it's almost not even worth the effort. In a lot of ways it's not even worth the time. You could be playing the game or doing something productive for all of that effort.

I did actually find something that has recently made my coins go way up, however. This is great for me because it's like a dream come true. With the help of FIFA Ultimate Team Millionaire Trading Center, their programs have been helping me make way more coins in the game than I ever did before. Before I was really bad at trading, but now automated programs that run help me make coins. I can't even believe but it's true.

You can do just what I did by checking out demo videos at the site This site shows you how the process works. You can even take advantage of autopilot tools to make coins for you even when you're not overly engaged! You can use the coins in the game or even try to make some money off of them by selling them on venue sites like Ebay. Other players are definitely interested in these coins as they are such difficult currency to come by. You can use the money that you get from the sales for virtually whatever.

The automatic tools, Autobuyer and Autobidder, will help you get coins by doing almost nothing. You'll never even have to check it if you don't want to. The program updates the prices so you don't have to. It's a really great application! Once you put in the information that you want to about players, the process starts.

The program will work every hour of the day, tracking down the best deals possible in the market and giving you training guides, tutorial videos, gold methods and updated training ranges so you always have all the information that you need. This trading center is going to become your best friend as you get more coins than you can even use in the game and are forced to sell extra! You get to buy great players without having to go broke. It's the perfect solution.

Get a return on YOUR investment. Sometimes, it's not going to be enough to go about it the long way. Even a great trader can't get the results that this site delivers. See for yourself at!
FIFA Ultimate Team Millionaire Trading Center Review

Ever had a fantasy that you could build your dream squad for your FIFA Ultimate Team, all the right players to help kick ass in your FIFA game? Yeah, it would be cool, but you probably need to be adopted by a rich dad or maybe win a lottery to afford it.

Unluckily for me, I had neither. All I had was a gamers chair with my impression molded on my seat and worn out gaming pads reflecting my experience, but let’s admit it, most gamers suck at trading, and so did i.

What I didn’t know is that I didn’t need thousands to buy packs; all I needed was to join and be a member at FIFA Ultimate Team Millionaire Trading Center. And while I was a member, I was surprised to find out that more than 99% of FUT Millionaire Trading Center never paid a dime to have Messi or Ronaldo on their team; instead, they usually traded, and that’s how they made all those coins.

But why talk about me sucking at trading, and then advising on it? Well, let me explain how it works. The FIFA Ultimate Team Millionaire Trading Center currently consists of two modules that are tailored to provide real trading experiences; the FIFA Ultimate Team Millionaire Autobidder and the Autobuyer module.

The auto bidder searches for the hottest deals, bidding for items and trading, working 24 hours a day whether you are at school or work. The FUT Millionaire Trading Center is considered the best online site for earning coins and trading in FUT.

Another feature that comes with FUT Trading Center is the exclusive members Area that provides up-to-date price ranges which load at an exceedingly fast pace. This allows you to know what is working in the market at any time; spot good deals fast and get them instantly.

Oh, have I mentioned that with, you get the advantages of automatic trading programs that will ensure you optimize the trading experience? Program trading is very fast, and by the time that it would take you, to do ten trades manually, the program will have made 100.

Other benefits gained from using the software to trade, is that it is easy to use, and you can find resources and tutorials all over the internet. They also have a 24-hour customer support in case you face any problem.

This is the way that all top notch traders end up with top notch kickass teams, by making millions the smart way.

The other great thing about trading is that you can sell the extra coins online and make a stash of money while doing what you love most, getting addicted to FIFA Ultimate Team.

The FIFA Ultimate Team Millionaire Trading Center has changed my potential in FIFA gaming by allowing me to buy great players, and I would certainly recommend it for any serious gamer who wishes to advance in building the ultimate team.

Why not check it out, and start reaping the benefits offered by the programs available in the FUT Millionaire Trading Center?

 Here is How to Make Millions in FIFA 18 Ultimate Team with FUTMillionaire Autobidder

Yes, you got that right. You can now make millions of FIFA coins using a simple autobidding system. Using FUTMillionaire Autobidder , which I consider to be the most innovative autobuyer & autobidder tool available on the market, I have made some serious coins in FIFA Ultimate Team. So let me share in my experience with this amazing tool.

FUTMillionaire Autobidder Has Changed my Life

We all want to have a complete team with stars like Ronaldo , Bale and Messi in the ranks. What would be the point in playing FIFA 16 if you are never going to afford these star players? Fortunately, you can now get the best players on the field. Here is how FUTMillionaire Autobidder has radically changed the way I play this game.

Make Millions without Investing Real Money

As pro players, we know that ALL the best players in the game cost tons of money. You usually have to spend thousands of coins buying game packs just to afford one star player. However, most inexperienced players are unaware of the big secret – pros can get expensive teams without spending a penny. They earn coins by trading on the market and do not invest real money.

Trading at a very high level enables you to make millions of coins per week. Doing that amount of coins trading manually is impossible. That’s why you need to automate your trades. In order to solve this huge problem for FIFA players, Mike Miranda decided to launch FUTMillionaire Autobidder a couple of years ago. Thanks to him, I now can have the team of my dreams without investing real cash or spending precious time trading.

The Community

The FUTMillionaire Trading Center is a private community of experienced FIFA traders where you can learn how to become expert at mastering trading. Additionally, just like me, here you can learn how to easily use a simple automation tool in order to save a great deal of time. FUTMillionaire Autobidder has helped me to sit back and enjoy the game without spending more than one hour a day managing my account.

This kickass program has literally enabled me to enjoy my hobby and to build my dream team without wasting money or time. To top it all, this program has actually helped me make money instead of waste money. All the information inside it combined with the knowledge of the members from The FUTMillionaire Trading Center have enabled me to discover how to sell my excess coins on eBay and make some supplemental income.

 A Unique Tool to Make Coins in FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

If you are one of those players who are still trading manually, I want to make you realize that you are missing out a lot. I was in the same pit a few years ago, but fortunately I stumbled upon FUTMillionaire Autobidder and my FIFA 18 Ultimate Team experience has improved considerably. After joining the FUTMillionaire Trading Center, I was able to leverage the experience on other traders in order to take my trading skills to the next level. Moreover, using the Autobuyer and Autobidder tools, I was able to get the best deals possible and automate my trades.

I recommend you to give this program a shot. You have nothing to lose, but only huge opportunities to capitalize on. Enter and check out FUTMillionaire .
Make Over 5 Million Coins on Fifa Ultimate Team in Just a Month

FIFA has grown to become one of the best game ever to grace our consoles. Football is a universally acclaimed game and it is therefore easy to see why FIFA was an instant hit. I personally have been a great fan of FIFA and have played each and every rendition of the game and as each new game comes out every year, things seem to get even better. FIFA 18 is upon us and that means more fun and new things to explore.

One mode of FIFA that has really grown in popularity over the years since its introduction in 2011, is the FIFA Ultimate Team. This mode allows you to build formidable teams using players from different leagues and use them to play in leagues both offline and online. For the start you are given selected players to start with and an additional start pack to enable you trade and buy other players. You have to select and buy players who have good chemistry playing together for you to win matches and earn points. You can trade in the market area and scout for better players in-order to improve the quality of your team. Players with high ratings and good playing abilities in real life are really expensive and without proper trading skills, one might never earn enough coins to afford them. It takes time and experience to perfect the art of trading but once you can wrap your mind around it, it is a really enjoyable and rewarding thing to do. It took me more than three seasons to master the art to become one of the best players in the world today. Today I want to share my knowledge on how to make over 1 million coins in FIFA Ultimate team in just a week;

Yes, if you have been struggling to make coins on FIFA Ultimate team this might sound as an impossibilities but trust me it is something we can all achieve. These are my highly guarded secrets on how to make over 1 million coins on FIFA Ultimate Team in one week;


Yes, I know it might sound a little weird but my top secret is this absolute gem of a website. I was introduced to it by a friend who always seemed to harvest the coins even without manually trading. So, what makes this site special?

Futmillionaire has the most comprehensive, most complete and advanced FIFA Ultimate Team trading tools. They are dedicated to making the art of trading and raking in points very easy and enjoyable for you. Among the tools that have made them rank highly include;

· Autobuyer and autobidder tools

See, these guys are a step ahead of the others. They combined the autobuyer and autobidder modules to come up with a tool that will help you keep earning coins even when you are doing other things. All you need to do is set the maximum and minimum price you wish to spend and the program will do the rest. The profits realised from this system are incredible.

· Security

Once you make your coins, you want to be sure they are safe. One major issue that most people that trade keep complaining about is the fact they erroneously end up spending them or that they are stolen from their accounts. FUTMillionaire have a very reliable security system and you are unlikely to make errors because of the set limits.

2. Patience

Away from FUTMillionaire, there is a very important virtue that I learnt is patience. Don’t rush while at it. Just make slow progress and the big wins will be evident later on. Should you spend the few coins you have earned or should you wait a little longer and keep trading? These are some of the few questions that linger on most players’ minds. The key to success is to be patient. Simply buy squads and play with them at-least thrice or four times before contemplating selling the players. This way you will make lots of coins.

3. Watch out for TOTW (Team of the Week)

Another secret that you might find absolutely handy when trading is watching out for the TOTW announcement. Immediately the team is announced, good players will drop in price. Seize this opportunity to buy these players with the few coins you have and then trade them later on when their prices hike again.

Using FUTMillionaire and then incorporating the provided tips will see you earn more coins than you are right now. What can you do with earning a million coins on FIFA Ultimate Team weekly? You can buy the players you have always salivated and even sell them for real money to other players. Make use of the provided tips and make over 1 million coins on FIFA Ultimate Team in one week.

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75 Panduan Lengkap Cara Membuat Aneka Pudding Enak Lezat



Wednesday, March 7, 2018


ATTENTION: Have You Always Wanted to Redesign Your Home's Landscape But Don't Know Where to Start? Then This Is The Most Important Letter You'll Ever Read...

" How to Liven Up Your Home With Over 
7250 Breathtaking Landscaping
 Designs WITHOUT Hiring Costly Professional Landscape Designers... "

Read on to discover how you can gain instant access to the freshest landscaping ideas & videos that are sure to spice up your home sweet home!
From the Desk of Helen Whitfield,
Landscape Designing Extraordinaire, Educator
, Member of ANLA
Date: Thursday, March 08, 2018 
Re: Landscaping the easy way...
Dear Home Owner,
If you are reading this letter then it is likely that you want to design your dream home landscape.
And if you're a proud homeowner, you're most likely aware of the cost and effort required to design a landscape. And just as likely, you've probably come up against the same old brick wall...
  • Do you know that most landscaping designers overcharge you for their services?
  • Have you under-estimated the time and cost required to complete your dream landscape?
  • Having trouble coming up with ideas for your landscape design?
  • Do you want a new landscape but don't know where to start?
If you've answered yes to any of the above, I understand your pain. I was once in your shoes...

" Here's Some Advice That'll Save You $$$...
On Your Next Landscaping Project..."

Here's the BIG problem: Most landscaping designers are downright rip-offs.
Why? They overcharge you with the simplest design ideas and they skip over many important parts.
I've been designing and building my own landscapes for the past 18 years. The truth is, when I first started out, I spent a ton of time reading magazines and hiring different designers. Most of the time, it just left me with more questions than answers and a huge hole in my pocket.
Well, luckily for you, these problems become a blessing in disguise because I have spent the last 5 years putting together a comprehensive landscaping resource with all the design inspirations and instructions of my 18 years of experience.
"Sparked Ideas For Me Immediately..."

Patti Clark
Newark, NJ
I never had such a collection like these before. This collection has gorgeous color photographs, and terrific ideas.
The landscape design was explained so easily and logically. It sparked ideas for me immediately, and the ideas will tie my front yard together in a much more pleasing way.
This is one great collection I'll be using for years to come...

" Over 7000 Landscaping Designs, Instructions & Videos...
To Build The Landscape You Always Wanted! "

You can get the job done cheaper, faster and without headaches using my landscaping resource...
This massive collection of photos, ideas, and simple step-by-step details is designed to help home owners make some progress with their plan to liven up their home with the perfect landscaping.
It's meant to save you money and give you the choices that you would otherwise not find if you settled for magazines or your landscaping contractor . With this database, you'll truly be able to choose the "dream home" landscape you've always wanted to have.
Inside this massive database, you'll find 1'000s of landscaping pictures in 60+ categories like these...
backyard landscaping ideasdecksdrivewaysfacades
fountainslandscaping ideas front yardgaragesgardens yard landscaping
gazeboshedgesjapanese gardenslakes
I don't know about you, but I like simple. I like it easy. I mean - Just think about it for a second.
Lets face it. Most homeowners have no experience in planning and designing gardens or front yards. And if professionals can run out of ideas, you can just expect how hard it could be for ordinary folks.
That is where Ideas4Landscaping comes in.

" Ever Wanted Landscape Designs Like
Those You See On HGTV or MTV Cribs?... "

You know what I'm talking about. like the ones you see featured on the covers of home renovation and gardening magazines...
...the patios that make you jealous of your neighbor's backyard; The front yards that you only see on shows such as HGTV, DIYNetwork & MTV Cribs. The landscaping that you've always wanted to see on your own lawn; The kind of landscaping that you can imagine your kids playing on.
So if you're ready to get that perfect landscaping for your home, let me introduce you to...


The Complete Landscaping Resource - Your 1-Stop Database of
Over 7000 High-Resolution Photographs, Step-by-Step Plans,
Videos & the Freshest Ideas on Landscaping!

With Ideas4Landscaping , You'll Gain Instant Access to.
Thousands of High-Quality Landscaping Designs and Instructions . so you won't have to settle for the limited , mediocre , and typical designs you see on magazines or on a lot of websites
Designs for Your Front Yard, Backyard, & Garden. so you can easily create landscaping plans for anywhere around your house
Step-by-Step Guides & Designing Tips. so you can immediately start "professionally" shaping your outdoor this weekend!
Basic & Pro Landscaping Designs. so you can use the ideas whether you're a DIY beginner, a professional landscaper, or a homeowner willing to spend to get that perfect landscape for your outdoors
Simple & Affordable Landscape Upgrades. so you can dramatically boost the value and appeal of your property with a few simple and cheap strategies
Garden Landscape Designs with Various Appeals. so you can get ideas for a formal, light, refreshing, or whatever type of garden atmosphere you want
Photos Organized in 64 Galleries. So you can easily find the specific designs you're looking for. Find galleries for Facades, Fountains, Front Yards, Gardens, Garages, Lawns, Pools, Flowers, Pegolas, Gazebos.the list goes on and on.
With FREE Lifetime Updates. so you'll discover more fresh landscaping ideas as soon as the database is updated!
Here's the bottom line: Ideas4Landscaping is a design package suitable for beginners & professionals which allows you to begin designing your dream home landscape immediately WITHOUT the hassles and costs.
It is everything you'll need to get started in creating the perfect outdoor living experience for you and your family with gardens, pools ,decks, pathways ,sheds, gazebos, hedges, driveways, waterfalls, ponds, patios and walkways!

" You Can Transform Your Landscape
In a Single Weekend! "

yard landscaping ideasMost of the landscaping ideas in Ideas4Landscaping can be completed in a weekend at a cost much lower than you would have paid otherwiseThese are simple, quick and easy tips to implement!
Create the ideal landscape to complement your home - complete with gazebos and pools, slopes and grades, fencing and plants. Enhance your home's exterior with stylish furniture, lighting and more.

" Thousands Of Designs - For Every Style & Preference "

Getting ideas to landscape your home is not a problem. Ideas4Landscaping has a style for nearly every yard, climate, country, trend, preference and art form.
In fact, there are thousands of themes which will take you days to go through. If you simply want to browse through photos of design or just look for ideas for a certain style, you will really enjoy this gallery.
backyard garden landscaping ideasQuite frankly, if you got plans to build any type of landscape,Ideas4Landscaping will be invaluable to you.

Make any project easy and hassle-free!
Don't waste time and money figuring out your next project when you are just 5 minutes away from the most comprehensive resource yet.

Listen closely... this is NOT your ordinary, run of the mill designs you find on the Internet.
Simply stated, these are cutting-edge designer type of landscapes and themes that would cost you THOUSANDS of dollars if you hire a professional landscaper.
Facts About Landscaping You Might Not Know:
•  Landscaping projects often have a recovery value of up to 200%.
•  In human psychology, a person's home represents who he or she is. Your landscape subconsciously tells people just how much you value your well being.
•  The Society of Real Estate Appraisers believes that landscaping increases the appeal of a residential property.
•  Because you know you and your family deserve a better outdoor view each morning your wake up and you get home!

" BUT Helen, Why Don't I Simply Subscribe
To Landscaping Magazines? "

Because you see, magazines offer very limited ideas.
You can buy a year's worth of subscription and there's still a chance that you still won't find the landscaping idea that's perfect for your dream home.
What happens next?
You would either give up totally OR end up spending tens of thousands of dollars on landscaping services that makes your landscape look worse than an empty lot.
But don't just take my word for it...

" Listen To What My Satisfied Customers Have To Say... "

The truth is, home owners from all walks of life have benefited greatly from Ideas4Landscaping and testimonials like these started to flow into my email inbox:
"Great For Inspirations & Ideas!"
home landscaping design
Ryan & Chloe
Langley, UK 
This is by far one of the best collections and guide on landscape design I've ever purchased.
It is well organized, chock full of beautiful photographs, ideas and landscape diagrams. These designs is for everyone, from the novice to the trained professional. Great source for inspiration and ideas. This has become a valuable addition to our reference library.
"Saved Me Hundreds On Landscaping"
landscape ideas
Teri Lewis
Brisbane, QLD
I am a gardener for just two seasons now. I am amazed at all the unique ideas this one collection presented. It allowed me to see the possibilities I could incorporate in my front yard remodeling.
By following just two of her tips, it has saved me hundreds on landscaping, and builders. Helen Whitfield has done an exceptional job in creating something that provides you visual guidance that allows you to discover possibilities you never dreamed existed...
"The Final Push I Need To Design My Backyard!"
landscape gardening
Keith Hurley
Staten Island, NY
Ideas4Landscaping is exactly what I was looking for. The photos and text are informative and inspirational, but what makes this book stand out is the massive amount of themes and styles. You can use it to identify your personal style and decide whether you want a front-and-center style of yard, one of overlapping circles, or the like.
It gave me the final push I needed to finally make sense of my own challenging backyard landscape, and guess what? I love it!
But it gets even better! To sweeten the deal, I'm throwing in 4 time-limited bonus

These bonuses are worth $741 and they are included FREE if you order today.
" Claim These Exclusive Bonuses If You Order Now... "
For Homeowners Who Take Advantage Of This Offer Today...

Time-Limited Bonus #1 :"120 Premium Landscaping Videos" ($450 Value)

You're also going to recieve a lifetime membership access to over 120 premium landscaping videos on a wide array of topics, hosted by veteran landscapers. Comes with easy-to-follow step by step video instructions... landscape designing videos
Gain FREE Instant Access to an exclusive members-only site that features over 120 step-by-step landscaping video tutorials.
It includes easy-to-follow steps thats is suitable for both beginners and pros. New videos are added on a consistent basis!
These hi quality premium videos are worth a total of $450 if I sell this separately but you'll get free access if you order today!

Time-Limited Bonus #2 :"Landscaping Secrets Revealed Guide "
($197 Value)

This book is the bible of landscaping. Here's where you'll find practically all the secrets pro landscapers use to create awesome views...
landscape design guides 
"$197 Value" 
You get it for FREE
Create inexpensive gardens and landscapes
Easy & accessible ways to increase your property value
How to create a low-maintenance landscape
How to create gorgeous patios
What types of landscaping add the most "curb appeal"
Boost your property's curb appeal
How to select the right soil and plants for your garden
Weed control techniques
And many more ideas...
This guide will save you hundreds of dollars on "advice" that ends up not helping you at all. This is a MUST-HAVE for all aspiring landscapers

Time-Limited Bonus #3 :"Save On Energy Costs - Green Home Guide "
($57 Value)

Is your home as energy efficient as it can be?
Many people will be shocked to learn that they can lose up to 25% or more of the energy in their home without the need to. You literally could be flushing your money down the drain.
green home energy guide"$57 Value" 
You get it for FREE
Inside this guide, you'll discover various ways to save money by making your home more energy efficient.
Discover simple ways that lead to energy wastage. and eventually money down the drain.
Discover how to save energy at home
Save money on water & electricity bills
Make your home more environmentally friendly
Improve living conditions for your family
And to top it all off, I'm going to do something I didn't originally plan on doing at all.
When I started planning Ideas4Landscaping, I knew this bonus would be invaluable for all home owners. I wanted to sell the next bonus individually for $37.00 but to sweeten this deal, I'm going to give it to you!

Time-Limited Bonus #4 :"How To Grow Organic Vegetables " ($37 Value)

organic farming vegetables guide
"$37 Value" 
You get it for FREE

The Beginners Manual For Creating & Managing Your Own Organic Food Garden - Even If You Know Nothing About Organic Gardening
Why settle for a good looking backyard when you can also make it "good tasting?" Learn how to plant delicious and all natural vegetables that not only make you and your family healthy but also make your home look more organic and beautiful.
Enjoy better tasting gourmet food on a daily basis.
Raise your energy level
Lower your weekly food bills.
Eliminate disease creating chemicals that big companies spray through your family's food.
Remember, these are time-sensitive bonuses that is only available to the next 5017 members ( or before before March 11, 2018 ) so order it now before it's gone.

" There's Nothing Else Like
This Package On The Market Today... "

landscaping ideas front yardThat's a statement I do not take lightly. But as I mentioned earlier, I've thoroughly researched the market and all competing products.
Truth is, I've been doing landscaping for almost 18 years, and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.
Here's the bottom line: If you are planning to start on your landscaping project, this isn't something you SHOULD use, it's something that you would be insane not to.
Take a look at this comparison chart...
Books &
7250+ Plans & Projects 
No Hidden Fees or Extra Charges
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Free Lifetime Membership Area
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I'll offer you a 60-day, no hassles, no questions asked, full money back guarantee. Here is how it works:
Try the “Ideas4Landscaping” for 60 days. If, after you preview these designs and try them for sixty-days, you find that it hasn’t helped in any way, simply email me for a complete no-hassle refund. No questions. No hassles. We’ll still part as friends. And the 4 FREE bonuses is yours to keep even if you do get your money back!
But … once you preview Ideas4Landscaping even within a short time, you’ll never want to be without it. You’ll be thrilled with the cost savings and inspiration you reap from it. In fact, you’ll probably tell your friends about this breakthrough product.

Think about it:
The worst that can happen is you’ll come out $741 ahead with the 4 FREE bonuses. There’s simply no way you can lose with this iron clad money back guarantee.
Gain instant access to this amazing database + the bonuses for 60 days, TOTALLY RISK-FREE below:

Picture this: If just 5 minutes from now, you'll find the right inspiration and design for your landscape and get the "dream home look" you've always wanted.
landscaping photos gardening backyardThere's no question that Ideas4Landscaping is the only resource you'll need to finally achieve some progress in your landscaping. It doesn't matter whether you want to rehab your garden, your front yard, or backyard. It doesn't matter if you want new plants, a new pool, or a new gazebo.
Because, all the landscaping ideas you need are inside Ideas4Landscaping.
Today, you have the chance to get instant access to 0ver 7000 designs and start planning your ideal landscape. You can say, "I'll probably have time for it later."
But if you've read this letter this far.
That only means you really want a new landscape for your home. And if you don't grab this opportunity to start right now, there will never be a "later" or a "next week".
So why delay having that "magazine cover" landscaping for your home when you can start getting it today? Why delay an upgrade that you know your home badly needs? Why delay waking up in the morning to a beautiful garden kissed by sunshine?
Get instant access to Ideas4Landscaping now and move closer to your perfect home now:
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You will grant me instant access. Once my enrollment is processed, you will give me immediate access to ALL your designs, including all the video tutorials, resources and the 4 bonuses worth $741.
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March 8, 2018 Update: Free Bonuses If You Order Today! 

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To your perfect landscapes,

teds woodworking guarantee
Landscaping Extraordinaire, Educator, Member of ANLA
P.S: In my 18 years of professional landscaping, the process that always takes the most time is not even the construction - it's the planning. Time is ticking. So be sure to choose your design now from the 7,000 landscaping ideas inside Ideas4Landscaping Click to order now >>
P.P.S: Remember, in 5 minutes from now you will have access to over 7,000 designs ... If you are looking to give the exterior of your home a makeover, the easy and quick way, than I urge you to get in while its cheap So take action & order now :
Regular Price: $97 Today: $27
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"This Is The Best One Yet ..."
garden landscaping
Fred Graham
Compton, CA
If you want to buy only one thing on landscape designs, "Ideas4Landscaping" by Helen Whitfield is a great choice. I have bought many landscaping books/ & magazines, read a handful from cover to cover, but this is the best one yet. 
I would highly recommend it to anyone who's interested in landscaping.
P.P.P.S: This is a TIME-SENSITIVE OFFER! You will never have the opportunity to invest in this package again at this price once the introductory offer ends.
Please do NOT click off this page unless you are positively certain you want to pass up on this offer forever.  Give me the Ideas4Landscaping collection right now »
Regular Price: $97 Today: $27

Click Here To Get Over 7250 Designs Now ]
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home garden landscaping